Health Guava Benefits Competitive

Guava Benefits

nutritional value

Health Benefits of Guava It contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamins A, B, K, potassium, calcium, protein and minerals. It contains 211 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C keeps the mouth, teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin A is not usually available directly from fruits. Carotene ensures normal growth of the body. It helps in maintaining the health of retina and eye cells.Guava is rich in various minerals. Every 100 grams of guava contains 0.6 grams of minerals, 0.03 mg of thiamine, 0.03 riboflavin, 1.4 mg of iron, 28 mg of phosphorus and 20 mg of calcium. Guava Benefits

How to use guava leaves

  • While most of us are unaware of the health benefits of guava leaves, it has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and parts of South America. Add guava leaves to your regular hair care routine. This leaf will help your hair grow. It is 100% natural. Which means you don’t need to worry about any harmful reactions. You can make a tea using guava leaves and drink it regularly or make a lotion to apply on your hair and scalp. All you need is a handful of guava leaves, a liter of water and a pot to boil the ingredients.
  • Boil guava leaves in water for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture and let it cool to room temperature. Use this mixture on clean hair. So it is better to use it after bathing.
  • When your hair is almost dry, part it and start using the guava leaf mixture. Massage it on your scalp for at least 10 minutes and apply it all over the scalp. Massage improves blood pressure, which helps the follicles receive more nutrients. You can keep it like this for up to two hours. You can wrap your hair with a towel if you want.
  • Because hot water dries the hair and scalp. Use guava leaf mixture thrice a week if you have hair fall problem. If using it to accelerate hair growth and keep your hair shiny, use it twice a week.

Guava Benefits:

Increase immunity:Guava is rich in vitamin C. Which boosts the immune system and gives the body strength to fight against various diseases.

Reduced risk of cancer:Guava contains many antioxidant components like lycopene, vitamin C, quercetin which prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

To keep the heart healthy:In 1993, it was published in the “Journal of Human Hypertension” that regular consumption of guava reduced blood pressure and blood lipids. Guava is rich in potassium, vitamin C. Potassium plays a special role in regulating heart rate and high blood pressure.

Diabetes control:Guava has been used in Chinese medicine for many years to control diabetes. In 1983, the American Journal of Chinese Medicine published that the ingredients in guava juice are very effective in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Dry young guava leaves and grind them to a fine powder, add 1 teaspoon of 1 cup of hot water and cover it for 5 minutes and then strain it and drink it daily.

To eliminate the problem of cold:Guava helps to cure various cold related problems like bronchitis. It reduces mucus due to its high iron and vitamin C content. However, raw guava is effective in curing cold related problems.

To increase eyesight:Vitamin A is beneficial for eyes. Vitamin A in it keeps the cornea healthy and prevents macular degeneration. Include guava in your daily diet. Raw guava is a good source of vitamin A.

Cure menstrual pain:Many women have stomach pain during menstruation. During this time, many people take pain medicine. But at this time, chewing guava leaves or drinking juice can provide relief from menstrual pain more quickly.

Relieves Stress: Guava works very well to relieve stress. Increases muscle and nerve function. Reduces stress, increases energy.

Cares for skin and hair: Guava contains a lot of water which helps in keeping skin and hair healthy and beautiful. Removes roughness. Retains youth for a long time.

Cures neurological disorders in children:Guava contains folic acid and folic acid is very necessary for a pregnant mother. Doctors give folic acid to all pregnant women as it improves the baby’s nervous system. And also it keeps children away from neurological disorders. (Benefits of Guava)

Removes white spots inside the mouth: Many people have an ulcer like white spots inside the mouth and this is due to the lack of vitamin C, so consuming guava reduces it a lot.

Helps in weight loss:Guava is low in glucose and hence is a good remedy for weight loss.

Reduces the impression of age: No matter how beautiful a person is, with the age, everyone gets an impression of age on the skin. This law of nature can never be stopped but we can prevent this impression of age by eating fruits containing antioxidants and vitamin C which play a role in the reconstruction of our skin. (Benefits of Guava)

Boosts Metabolism: To stay healthy and energetic we should have a healthy metabolic system. Guava is rich in dietary fiber and anti-oxidants which help in breaking down hard proteins to provide energy to our body. It also increases the performance of our brain.

Improves intelligence:According to pediatricians, guava is most effective in improving intelligence in children. Guava contains vitamin B3 and niacin which balance the blood circulation of the brain and increase brain function. Guava’s vitamin B6 and periodoxine help in increasing brain nerve function

You can be in danger if you play too much

Stomach problems
Constipation can be treated with guava, but consuming too much guava can lead to flatulence or indigestion. Excess fructose in guava can cause such problems if the blood cannot absorb it.

If you have kidney problems
Guava is high in potassium. Which can increase kidney problems despite keeping high blood pressure under control. Even if there is a problem of kidney stones, it is forbidden to eat guava. Guava contains oxalates.
If you have diabetes
The glycemic index of this fruit is on the high side. So the possibility of blood sugar increase cannot be completely ruled out. However, guava should not be a problem if consumed in moderation.

If you suffer from cold
Guava has a high water content. So for those who are prone to colds, guava can cause problems. However, this problem can be avoided to some extent by eating guava after breakfast in the morning. But, guava should not be eaten after noon-afternoon.

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